I want to go to many foreign countries, and I want to talk with many foreign people. Country where I want to go especially is America and English and France. America is very big, so I want to visit many place in America. It is Disney land to be interested in me in particular. I love Disney, so I have been to Disney land in Tokyo once. The Disney land in America is very big big big!!! I want to go there very much! I thought I want to feel how America is big. I want to take many pictures! There are many things I want to do in America. The trip will busy maybe. Also, I like 1 direction, so I want to visit English and meet 1 direction. I love 1 direction because they is very cool and their music always makes me happy. I thought they are from America, but they are from English. I come too interested in English as soon. I want to see the country where they were born and raised. I`m major in France as second language. I study about France, so I`m interested in France. In addition, I try to talk France language with France person. I so not have much confidence, but I like French. I want to eat French. I have to earn and save money.
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